Project Setup#

We have just installed Hydrogram. In this page we’ll discuss what you need to do in order to set up a project with the framework.

API Key#

The first step requires you to obtain a Telegram API key.

In order to do so, follow Telegram’s instructions at and make sure you understand and abide to the rules for third-party clients and libraries explained there.


The API key consists of two parts: api_id and api_hash. Keep it secret.


Having the API key from the previous step in handy, we can now begin to configure a Hydrogram project: pass your API key to Hydrogram by using the api_id and api_hash parameters of the Client class:

from hydrogram import Client

api_id = 12345
api_hash = "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"

app = Client("my_account", api_id=api_id, api_hash=api_hash)