
class hydrogram.types.ChatEventFilter[source]

Set of filters used to obtain a chat event log.

  • new_restrictions (bool, optional) – True, if member restricted/unrestricted/banned/unbanned events should be returned. Defaults to False.

  • new_privileges (bool, optional) – True, if member promotion/demotion events should be returned. Defaults to False.

  • new_members (bool, optional) – True, if members joining events should be returned. Defaults to False.

  • chat_info (bool, optional) – True, if chat info changes should be returned. That is, when description, linked chat, location, photo, sticker set, title or username have been modified. Defaults to False.

  • chat_settings (bool, optional) – True, if chat settings changes should be returned. That is, when invites, hidden history, message signatures, default chat permissions have been modified. Defaults to False.

  • invite_links (bool, optional) – True, if invite links events (edit, revoke, delete) should be returned. Defaults to False.

  • deleted_messages (bool, optional) – True, if deleted messages events should be returned. Defaults to False.

  • edited_messages (bool, optional) – True, if edited messages events, including closed polls, should be returned. Defaults to False.

  • pinned_messages (bool, optional) – True, if pinned/unpinned messages events should be returned. Defaults to False.

  • leaving_members (bool, optional) – True, if members leaving events should be returned. Defaults to False.

  • video_chats (bool, optional) – True, if video chats events should be returned. Defaults to False.